After months and months of surgeries and doctors appointments she threw a party to celebrate her recovery and her life (I will mention I had so much fun at this party). A friend of mine suggested I make a boob cake for her, so as per usual I said yes, having no idea how to make one.
So off I go to my friend Google (how did we survive without it) and I looked up boob cakes, there were many to choose from. I gave the birthday girl a pick of five cakes (I didn't realise it was supposed to be a surprise cake, still sorry Relle) and she chose this one.
I again headed over to Cake Decorating Solutions in Rosebery (NSW) and got the cake tins and advice from my favourite cake lady there. She suggested I use real lace instead of making it out of fondant, so I did. She also gave me a huge tip in when I go to bake the cakes, place the dome tins on egg rings so they can stay straight, would not have thought of that. If you are going to try and attempt this cake, you can email me for any help, I am happy to explain anything unclear.
Fully armed with everything I need, it was time to make the cake.
So here is a cake for one of the strongest people I know, we had a great food journey together, I fattened you up during your recovery (now she makes me walk with her to get the weight off) and we ended this chapter of your life with one great party.
Cheers to the years ahead of us!
Serves 10-15
Cake Board
Dome tins
Fondant smoother
Fondant mat
1 x Chocolate Mud Cake (see my Chocolate Mud Cake Recipe)
1 x White Chocolate Ganache (see my white chocolate mud cake)
Ivory Vanilla fondant
White Vanilla Fondant
Red Lace Trim
Preheat your oven to 160C. Make the cake mix as per recipe. Place two egg rings on a baking tray, place your dome moulds on the egg ring, so they are level. Pour the cake mix into the moulds 3/4 of the way up.
Bake in the centre of your oven for 1 hour, or until the cake is cooked through, press on it gently, it will feel cooked, or test with a skewer. Allow to cool for 30 minutes in the tins, then place on a wire rack to cool completely. (Make the third boob or cupcakes out of the remaining mix).
You can then roll out a rectangle or square, allow it to dry a little where you can write a personalised message like Happy Boobday etc And then stick it down with a little water at the base of the board, under the boobs. I ran out of time for that.
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